Naturally Captivating

Community wearing 3D glasses for a 3D nature photography presentation

3-D photography of nature, as you’ve never seen her before.

We’ve all looked at a flower, right?

But have you really ever taken the time to truly SEE one up close?

Roger’s unique approach to nature photography helps to bring the natural world right under our nose to vivid life for viewers, and in a way most have never experienced.

A special 3-D camera enables him to record a unique and intimate view of this world that is usually beyond our capacity to perceive.

Larger than life and more in-your-face than ever before, nature’s beauty literally jumps off the screen in these captivating presentations designed for any audience and for all ages, covering a wide range of exciting topics.

All presentations are offered for free to non-profit educational institutions including schools, museums, conservation groups, libraries, nature societies and more.

Browse through some of the many available presentations below and click the button to be connected to arrange for your organization’s free presentation or get more information! All presentations are unique to your special group’s needs and goals, and new ones are always being created - so if you’re interested in something in particular, shoot him a message!

3-D Presentations

  • Nature Under Your Nose

    The photographs for this most-frequently-asked-for program feature imagery from a typical New England environment through the 4 seasons, to exotic creatures, plants, and unique natural formations from all over the world.

  • Nature As Inspiration in Art and Architecture

    From the patterns and textures in a decaying leaf to the skin of a lizard, a drop of water or the delicate structure of a mushroom, nature’s miraculous diversity is presented. Witness the structures, patterns, textures, and unbelievably vibrant colors and expressions in nature’s unique and elegant creations. This presentation offers selected images and how they may have inspired art, jewelry, crafts, and architectural expressions both ancient and modern.

  • The Gardens of Japan

    Visually visit the beautiful and amazing “living sculptures” some of which are over 1000 years old. This presentation explores the Japanese love and honoring of nature, and their singular approach to space and time as expressed in one of its most unique art forms — the garden.

  • Water, Earth’s Living Matrix

    Water is a vital resource of our world. This program explores the many forms and expressions water takes from the delicate drop of dew on a flower to the up-close view of Niagara Falls, or the cloud forests of Costa Rica.

    Winter imagery reveals the beauty of water as it is transformed into the infinite variations when it freezes-ICE.

  • The Art of the Earth

    Art and science are revealed as inextricably linked when we take the time to explore our world and discover the beauty in the wonders of nature’s intimate structures. The images in this frequently-asked-for presentation are offered as “nature’s works of art,” and are offered for our view and inspiration. We can be witnessed to the myriad “galleries” of our planet’s natural-wonders.

  • Nature’s Beautiful Tiny Spaces

    Architects, artists, and designers are endlessly seeking space in their expressions. This program offers exciting and intimate views of the amazing tiny spaces that nature creates with her infinite palette of natural materiality. The program showcases the spaces inside flowers, below the wings of a butterfly, ice in a tree, a feather and other natural elements that can inspire the design of the Hollywood Bowl, or Brunelleschi’s Dome in the Florence, Italy. We are surrounded with these inspirational expressions of nature’s beauty almost wherever we are, and whenever we choose to explore our world around us.

  • Stereo Travelogue

    An adequate study of architecture usually demands travel to as many places as time, opportunity, interest, and finances will allow. Over the years I have been fortunate to travel to many other lands and cultures. This program is a 3-D travelogue of places I have visited over the years, recording macro and human scale imagery.

3D glasses to view 3D slides of nature photography

Roger has over 4500 film slides suggested like the one shown here. The projected stereo image is decoded with the provided special 3-D viewing glasses that bring the exciting and unique 3-D reality to life.

He has given over 500 presentations from The American Museum of Natural History in NYC, to Kenyatta University in Kenya East Africa, and to local organizations for kids and adults of all ages.

What people are saying

  • “…The combination of your artistic imagery, the soulful background music and your gentle narration had everyone (and us!) spellbound. The oohs and aahs affirmed the excellence. We were not only reminded of the magic of mother nature, but the tie to architecture is so evident.”

    Debra M. Jacobs, President and CEO, William G. Selby and Marie Selby Foundation (Sarasota, Florida)

  • “Thank you for sharing your 3-D slides on the building of the Vietnam Memorial with my design students. Wow! What a great way to make an experience come alive.”

    Barb Loken Art Teacher—Hall-Dale H.S.

  • “Once again I heard nothing but good things about your slide shows here this weekend. All the staff members that were able to attend were fascinated by your subjects and presentation.”

    Marcie Thaxter—Children’s Museum of Maine

  • “…He gave a slide show to my 1st, 4th, 7th, and 8th grade classes. Mr. Richmond’s nature images absolutely wowed all of my students (as well as the faculty who stayed to watch the show.) Each time a new slide came up on the screen the oohs and ahhhs rippled like a wave throughout the room. …Mr Richmond’s images truly must be seen to be appreciated. No combinations of words can do them justice…”

    Sandy Dunn—Chelsea School, Chelsea, Maine

  • Mr Richmond as a presenter was enthusiastic and knowledgeable about his subjects and his 3-D art style. …Roger’s humor and anecdotal comments were age appropriate for students. To all of you who are trying to decide whether to include his 3-D slide presentation within your busy day, say, ‘YES!’”

    Hanna, 3rd Grade Team at Longfellow School, Portland, Maine

  • “Roger’s 3-D photography is spectacular. Many of his photos are taken locally and gives the viewer a greater appreciation of their surroundings. The Maine Science Teachers Association invited Roger to share his photographs at our annual conference and his work was well received. In our final evaluations, words such as spectacular, great, fantastic, amazing and awesome were used to describe his display of nature.”

    Mary Whitten, President Maine Science Teachers Association

  • “Every program Roger has presented for us has a tremendous turnout. His stunning images never fail to generate a chorus of “oohs” and “aahs” from audiences.”

    Bill Hancock, Environmental Centers Director, Maine Audubon Society

  • “Roger, what an absolutely terrific photographic presentation. You simply wowed us– one and all. You have a creative gift, and we thank you for sharing nature’s sacred places with us.”

    Judith Harvey, Executive Director, Maine American Institute of Architects

  • "I have seen dozens of Roger’s presentations and no two are the same. A constant during each one though is the satisfaction, sense of wonder, and admiration that permeates the room.”

    Suzanne Kahn Eder, Education Director, Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve

  • “Roger’s images were stunning – views of nature that is so close at hand, but that we’ve never seen in this way. And while the visuals far exceeded our expectations, we were especially pleased with Roger’s elegant messages: make the time to slow down, look more closely at what is around you, and find the beauty in nature that is literally right out the back door. Roger’s presentation was truly the highlight of this year’s Maine Land Conservation Conference, attended by over 400 people.”

    Warren Whitney, Land Trust Program Manager, Maine Coast Heritage Trust