Glass Art

The power of glass resides in its intrinsic nature to change its mood, as the light that shines through it changes moment to moment. This change is ongoing during the day, and as the seasons come and go. Working with glass and its dance with light is a delight and it teaches the artist who works with it, how to respect and honor its material limits. If you’re interested in considering a custom stained-glass commission related to images presented here, please click below.

With more than 35 years of architectural teaching experience, Roger’s work is a reflection of his diverse and colorful career. From monuments to residential buildings, and even open air art installations, Roger’s sculptures and architectural design help to summarize his many areas of interest with a particular flair for highlighting earth’s natural beauty.

Sculptures & Architecture

In the course of attending many faculty meetings while a professor of Architecture at the University of Maine, Roger would often “doodle” during more uninteresting parts of the get-together.  The “doodles” starting taking on a life of their own, as Roger’s co- workers asked for them to be framed and hung in their offices. Soon, Roger began working on them as stream-of-consciousness graphic expressions. Using whatever implement he had on-hand at the time resulted in a diverse collection of “doodles” ranging from ball point pens to soft pencil, or markers. This is a sampling of those graphic expressions, collected over the years.


Much like the drawings above, as Roger threw himself deeper into these graphic meditations, he began to experiment with pastels. The addition of rich color draws a direct correlation to Roger’s glasswork pieces, with a totally unique twist.

Pastel Abstracts